Why Is Your Tree Dying?

If you have one or multiple trees on your property, you will have to ensure their proper care and maintenance. However, in some instances, homeowners assume that the tree is old and therefore its decline will be inevitable. Hence, they will neglect caring for it because they think it will be a waste of money. The reality is that old age does not automatically mean that your tree has to die because some species have significantly long lifespans. Thus, some of the symptoms that you may equate to the tree being advanced in age could be stemming from other reasons. As such, it is important to enlist professional tree services on a routine basis so the arborists can diagnose what is ailing your tree and remedy it before it is too late. So what are some of the reasons why your tree is declining?

Lack of proper maintenance

One of the common reasons why a tree would start to face ill health is if it is not receiving the proper care. Improper care does not merely mean lack of maintenance. Some well-meaning homeowners may engage in regular tree care but opt to carry it out on their own in an attempt to cut on costs.

Thus, you find that considerable structural damage has happened to the tree due to amateur pruning and trimming, which leads to the steady decline of the tree. If you do not want to risk killing your tree by mistake, it is best always to hire professional tree services to administer the care and maintenance that it needs.

Disease and pest infestations

Numerous virulent tree diseases have the capability of wiping out forests. It is, therefore, prudent for homeowners to ensure that if a virus has infected their tree, it receives professional attention in the shortest time possible. Some individuals make the mistake of assuming that trees will heal on their own, but the reality is the more potent the virus is, the more likely the tree will eventually die.

Insects are just as threatening to the survival of your trees. One of the pests that can cause severe tree damage is the psyllid, but because of how small it is, you may not be aware that your tree has been infested by these pests until it is too late.  It should also be noted that some tree species tend to be more susceptible to disease and infestations than others are. Overall, it is recommended to have an arborist inspect your tree on a routine basis to spot any signs of disease or bugs.
